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Bevvy G

Wild Bev Hickok

I haven’t been struck with the urge to write much lately (other than when I went to Les Miserables a few weeks ago- I’ll fill y’all in on that soon) but I’m back in Mayberry for a bit, and this is where the living, breathing content resides.

MamaG recently got two cataracts repaired and asks me about four times a day if I have scheduled my first colonoscopy yet. 

Smoke got a knee replacement last week and is hobbling around rambling about being locked up in the hoosegow.

So, in between taking Double Cataracts to follow-up eye dilation appointments and driving New Knee McGee around on daily crop tours, I’m just out here shootin’ the gophers and rabbits who think they can just walk around snackin’ on MamaG’s garden and trying to resist the urge to email my doctor that my mom is up my ass about getting a colonoscopy. 

-Beverly “Shootin’ Gophers and Playin’ Chauffeur” Goldenstein

Billy the Kid

Remember yesterday’s post from the most magical place on earth, the Mayberry Facebook page? Well, I’ve got another humdinger I’ve been meaning to share with you. Y’all remember one of my high school besties, Agatha, yes? (One of my OGs who still lives in Mayberry and one of the people to keep me up to speed on the small town goss.) You may have guessed that, living in Mayberry, Agatha lives DAT FARM LYFE and, well, you’d be correct. Agatha and her husband, Ted, and their three kids live on her grandparents’ farm just south of Mayberry on the same road as Smoke and MamaG, in fact. (which reminds me of a great little post/photo that I’ll send your way soon. #IYKYK) Ted has somehow talked Agatha into keeping goats on their farm, along with the standard dogs and cats roaming around outside and these goats tend to wreak havoc around their farm by escaping their pen quite often. Generally, they just stay in the yard area and Agatha, Ted, and the kids can wrangle them back in. This summer, shit got pretty real when I was stopping at Agatha’s for a morning coffee date and this happened:

Her 13-year-old son had to come out and save me, so trips to Mayberry are steadily keepin’ me humble!

BUT, while the goats generally stay close to home and are usually locked back up before any real chaos can ensue, there is the occasional exception.

Like this one:

Oh, the benefits of small town living, where the entire town will track your fugitive goat.

By the way, this goat’s name is Fred.

-Beverly “Whatever Floats Your Goat” Goldenstein

Bev Returns with Bern(ie)

If you didn’t see my Insta posts this week, there has been a little action on the farmsteads in Mayberry this week in the form of stowaway cats. If you know me and/or if you’ve read here for a while, you know that the tale of runaway barn cats is one as old as time. They will jump up into the hood of your car and hitch a ride to any and everywhere, and you can read some of my favorite cat stories in the old “Frightening Feline Friday” series- a true gem from the blog’s past.

Like this story from when the neighbor cat got locked in the garage when I was babysitting.

Or this one when, again, Bev was babysitting and let a stray cat in the house.

You can catch Keith’s favorite Bev Cat story here.

Relive the time Gertrude and Bev had to transport a live cat in a cardboard box here.

You can find the likely root of Bev’s cat hatred and fear here.

Oh, remember when a cat got loose on the jetway when Bev was boarding her flight? That shitshow can be found here.

And, for good measure, you can check out the old stories of the world’s most terrifying cat, Mowgli, here.

Now, back to the task at hand: the most recent stowaway saga comes from Timmy and Keith (the same folks who brought us Mowgli- shudder) and their current cat Bernie. Let’s just be clear that Timmy hates Bernie and the other cats that Uncle Bart just randomly dropped off at their farm place a few years ago (I would literally kill someone who did that to me, but that’s neither here nor there) and Timmy only puts up with the cats because his children love them. I think there’s another cat on the Timmy and Keith roster at the moment, but remembering the names of cats I don’t know (and actively try to avoid) just ain’t a priority, y’all. Anyway, the other cat doesn’t matter here, as Bernie is the star of this show. The show where she climbed up into the hood of Timmy’s car and rode the 20-ish miles from Timmy and Keith’s farm to the small city of Crystal Lake, where Timmy discovered his little stowaway and had to bring her into his pediatrics office until Alfred could come pick her up. Then Bernie had to spend the day in Alfred and Bessie’s garage until Timmy was off work and could pick her back up again. I’m willing to bet he made her ride home under the hood too.

It’s worth noting that, last I heard, the cat was hiding in the garage and, as this issue goes to print, I have not received a Bernie update.

It’s also worth noting that Bernie is apparently quite adept at hiding and has made at least one appearance on the Mayberry Facebook page.

This was a few months ago and that comment asking for the DM is Keith.

Oh, the Mayberry Facebook page. Stay tuned for another little gold nugget from that tomorrow…

-Beverly “Why do I have 7 terrifying cat stories?” Goldenstein

Holiday Greetings

Happy Thanksgiving Eve to y’all, my darling readers.

Yes, you’re reading that email correctly- ’tis me! She lives! I haven’t been super inspired to do a ton of blogging lately1, but I did want to come on here to wish you all a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Eve. Or, as some would call it, Blackout Wednesday. Or as even others would call it, the 25-ish-year anniversary of the time their parents dragged them to Thanksgiving Eve services and the pastor asked everyone to write down three things they were thankful for and that pre-teen wrote down

3-MyTeam making it to the NCAA basketball tournament

and that person didn’t know that ol’ boy was going to read the responses aloud to the congregation and then their mom almost murdered them in a small Mayberry church. For what wouldn’t be the first or last time.

-Beverly “Black Sheep 4Lyfe” Goldenstein

1I also recently got acrylic nails and I can not type for shit.

Or wear necklaces.

I have mastered zipping my pants though, so there’s hope?

Small Town Spotlight 8: Mayberry

Well, it’s time.

Time to wrap up the Small Town Spotlight series with my favorite of the small towns featured. The man, the myth, the legend: Mayberry. I have tried to write this post several times, but I just don’t know that I can fully encompass Mayberry in a post. I also think y’all already have a good feel for the place. Bev will be traveling to Mayberry very soon, so keep an eye out for some more “organic” Mayberry content comin’ your way.

But for now, I’ll leave you with Mayberry’s small town stats. And a gentle reminder that this place is home to a man whose nickname is Walkin’ Eagle because he’s too full of shit to fly.

Small Town Stats
Public Pools: 0
Private Pools: 4
Pop Machines: 1

And now, a bunch of Mayberry photos. Maybe just don’t listen to, like, scary music when you look through these.

-Beverly “That’s My Hometown” Goldenstein

Small Town Spotlight 7: Thornville

Aside from Mayberry (of course), Thornville is the small town nearest and dearest to my heart. You see, for elementary school, I was in a class with only Mayberry and Thornville kids- all thirteen of us! The Shiffon and Chaper kids (and all the other riffraff towns surrounding) had their own elementary and we all merged together in 6th-8th grade in Thornville, then we all stayed together for 9th-12th at the high school in Shiffon. When the M-T and S-C towns/kids come together in middle school, there’s definitely a bit of a divide and the M-T allegiance stays strong. Of course, we all end up befriending some kids from the other towns, but the M-T people tend to stay the A1s from Day1s ya feel me? Well, at least that was the case for my group of friends- Agatha is also from Mayberry, and Henrietta and Ardith are Thornville gals, and our bitchy clique loyalty to each other has been going strong for a long time. We may or may not have been referred to as “The Thornville Girls” and “The Thornville Bitches” by… a lot of our S-C classmates for a long time. And, honestly, even still. Check out this Insta message I received from one of our high school classmates after posting a picture of Ardith and me in a “Glamour Shot”1. It’s worth noting that this classmate is a Shiffon guy…

Anyway, to get back to the actual town of Thornville, it’s a cute little place, home to Pleasant Valley Golf Course, and was the site of Bev’s elementary and middle schools. When the school consolidation with all of our M-T-S-C towns and Rockdale-Swale happened, the Thornville building was no longer needed, and was eventually torn down. That’s probably an extremely confusing story to follow, but that’s kind of the theme in the rural Midwest. Small towns keep consolidating into bigger schools, and a lot of the tiniest towns’ school buildings are demolished. Mayberry used to have a school and so did Chaper. I’m sure Swale probably did at one point. Dougherty and Arendale may have too, though I’m sure Arendale’s was probably some type of portal to Hell.

Small Town Stats
Public Pools: 0
Private Pools: 7
(this seems asinine to me, but I trust Bessie and the rest of the Cheese Bawl Crawl crew to have been diligent in their work)
Pop Machines: 1

Let’s kick off the Thornville post with a lovely shot of the PVGC clubhouse- home of $6 styrofoam cups of Chardonnay on ice. And I’m not talking about like the little coffee cups. These babies hold at least 2o oz. and PVGC bartenders don’t do light pours.

Next up is The Cage, which is really a tennis court sandwiched in between two buildings downtown. I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t realize that The Cage was, like, an official name. It’s just what we all called it. The Cage has been updated with its own sign and what looks like a fresh coat of paint!

You might see the sign advertising fundraising efforts for… another sign and I’m happy to report that the residents of Thornville were able to meet their fundraising goal and Thornville now has… a $25,000 digital sign. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve got some opinions about the need for this sign, but my loyalty to Thornville is strong, so I’ll just leave it at… whatever floats your boat, Thornville! You do you!

Maybe Smoke or MamaG can even go over to Thornville soon and capture some pictures of the new digital sign for us all!2

Also downtown Thornville? The Printing Office. Think they’d cut me a deal publishing a book? Probably not after those shots were fired at “the sign” above.

But also on Main Street near the cage? Some empty building housing an artifact from the old Thornville gym (which was also once the M-T High School, home of the Fighting Lancers. This further complicates the whole school thing explained above, but from the days of Smoke and MamaG through about 1990(?) Thornville was the high school for both Mayberry and Thornville before any of the consolidations started. We Mayberry-Thornville folks hold that Lancer name near and dear to our hearts3, along with its corresponding color- affectionately known as Lancer Blue. It’s a lovely shade of light blue and I might be able to scrounge up some photos of it for you.

Anyway, somebody saved an old sign from the gym that was painted by some M-T high schoolers and posted a little trivia next to it. These are the signs I can get behind, Thornville!

Another Thornville highlight I haven’t told you about yet?


Which is now called Thornville Mart, if I’m not mistaken. Since losing the Pronto name in the late 90s, this place has gone through more names than Prince. Pronto. Fuel Time. K & H Quick Stop. Thornville Mart.

Anyway, it’s a gas station and it’s filled with wonderful snacks. If I could have all of the money I spent on Clearly Canadian at Pronto, I could probably literally buy Pronto. And actually, at least 75% of those Clearly Canadians were purchased by Uncle Bart who played basketball in the school gym on Tuesdays and would come and pick me up to let me go in and play with all the kids there, including Timmy, Gertrude, and Bessie. Looking back, I wonder if this was really for me to play, or for me to halfway keep an eye on Timmy while he jumped off the top of the bleachers repeatedly… You see, Timmy was a bit of a wild one back in his day (he’s literally a pediatrician now, which I’m not sure any of us would have expected when he was in his younger days, peeing out of barn doors, scratching us with his “dagger” toenails, and just generally wreaking havoc. I’ll tell you a good Bev babysits Timmy story another day). Anyway, Pronto is home to many a good snack, lotto tickets, and apparently, now… tropical decor?

Now, Thornville wouldn’t be a typical small town without a church (or three) but I had to capture this sign. Just check out the letters on the word pastor. I don’t know why, but this slays me.

Another sign. (not the $25,000 one)

Here’s the site of the Thornville school, which is a nostalgic place for all us M-Ters.

I mean, this is where Smoke sawed someone’s shoe in half in shop class (with the same teacher I had for shop class in middle school. He literally made me spend half a semester sanding a freaking one-foot shelf I made. Just keep sanding. Alllllll the sanding.). Mr. Clarence Wuhbinga4. Clancy. He smoked in the corner of the shop with the big shop doors open and once sold his old beater pickup truck to Smoke. This was not long ago- probably 2000 or so, and Smoke had the truck until about five years ago when he sold it to a man who was hoping it would make a 50-mile trip. He later called Smoke to tell him that Clancy had made it to Texas. The truck, that is. Clancy (the man, the myth, the legend) never left Thornville and passed away not long ago. Rest in peace, Mr. Wuhbinga!

This is also the site where Beverly here took on her first political stance in late elementary school. “The boys” always used the big field to play football and “the girls” usually played in other areas of the playground. Well, Bev got a bug up her ass that this was unfair, and an early version of gender inequality, and organized a “sit-in” for a few days on the field. All us girls went and sat in the middle of that field in a line. We didn’t want to play football. Hell, we didn’t want to play anything there, but I wanted to prove that we had as much right to use the field as the boys did. This caused slight anarchy among a few grades of boys and girls, and the ladies eventually acquiesced, giving “the field” back to “the boys” and going back to “playing house” by the trees. Ardith, Agatha, Henrietta, and I spent hours playing house under those trees. Ardith was almost always the mom and Bev was usually some kind of naughty teen runaway. Foreshadowing at its finest, folks!

Other significant happenings on the site of that old school? Bev and her M-T classmates absolutely ruthlessly hazed a first-year teacher who came to M-T our 5th grade year. We were not a rebellious group under normal circumstances, but we were absolute hellions for this poor man. His name was Mr. Moore, and we was all of 22 years old and 122 pounds soakin’ wet. My twelve classmates and I were like sharks to blood on this poor man. We had to have a suggestion box (where the cronies and I told Mr. Moore he had bad breath), a color chart (I’m pretty sure Josh E.5 got put on red every single day, and the rest of us would take turns making it our goal to get on red for the day), and Mr. Moore probably had to have a lot of whiskey.

It’s worth noting that from 5th grade on, when Bev needed to be woken up, Smoke has called up the stairs with a “Bev, get up! Mr. Moore called! It’s time to go to school!” Every. Time. From 5th grade through high school graduation. And legitimately to this day. I don’t often need my parents to wake me up, but if I do? Mr. Moore calls!

Other M-T students/graduates- share your favorite Thornville school memories in the comments or send me an email at If I get some good nuggets, I’ll compile them into a post or two. Smoke, Uncle Bart, Andy, and Mouse- I’m looking at you!

OK, now that we’ve covered the school memories in Thornville, let’s get to the rest of the tour!

Oh, here’s Mr. Bohman, painting a house. Mr. Bohman was my teacher and coach in various capacities in middle and high school, and is also a close family friend to the Goldensteins. He lives across the street from Kenny Hot Nuts (RIP) and works at the Thornville bank. He paints in his spare time. Well, paints and drinks beer.

Here’s Iona’s salon. It’s the first thing you see as you enter Thornville from the west and although it’s been there as long as I can remember, I’m not sure it’s been functional in Bev’s lifetime. I mean, it’s not Arendale, but I’m pretty sure an appointment at Iona’s is more likely to cost you a kidney than $15 and an inch or two of split ends.

Let’s not forget about Thornville’s little league diamond! This is where Bev and Co. stormed the field as Lancers from 3rd-6th grade before the forced transformation to Shiffon and becoming Spartans. I’ve got some great memories in this here dugout, and while I’d like to tell you some stories of me making some amazingly athletic plays, well… I can’t. #NotAnAthlete

And, now, let’s just see Thornville’s version of our small town staples. Water towers, golf carts, boats in yards, and the like. Oh, and have you ever seen a lawn mower pop a wheelie? ‘Cuz you’re ’bout to.

1This Glamour Shot was absolutely not a real Glamour Shot. It was a photo taken after a Mary Kay party where the host let us pose with feather boas and such. No, no, we never had the Goldenmeans to take Bev to get real Glamour Shots. I mean, we probably could’ve actually afforded it, but Smoke and MamaG aren’t exactly the Glamour Shot type, ya dig? It has become one of my life dreams (bucket list if you will) to get Glamour Shots. If you know of any open studios, please reply in the comments.

2On MamaG’s phone, not Smoke’s flip.

3Like, the group Snapchat between Bev, Henrietta, Agatha, and Ardith is called Lancer Beaches. Today. In 2021. Lancers4Lyfe!

4Last name purposely spelled wrong in order to protect the (sort of) innocent. It is pronounced just as it looks though. Great name. Couldn’t change it. First or last. Clancy Wuhbinga. Absolutely born to be a shop teacher who smokes in the corner.

5Josh E because, yes, in a class of thirteen, we had two Joshes.

-Beverly “I Bleed Lancer Blue” Goldenstein

Small Town Spotlight 6: Chaper

Chaper. Chaper, Chaper, Chaper. Just a few miles up the road from Shiffon. I really am not sure what the hell else to say about Chaper, guys. It’s just kinda there. I mean, my favorite thing about it is still when it was featured in the Chaper Notes section in a Small Town Sentinel back in the day. 

Small Town Stats
Public Pools: 0
Private Pools:1
Pop Machines: 1

I mean, I guess one thing about Chaper is that its residents like decorative mailboxes.

And very confusing street signs.

Chaper Mini Market… where I can only imagine they sell internal organs.

And while all the small towns we’ve discussed have grain elevators of some type, it seems Chaper might have the most? Looooots of corn storage in Chaper. 

Is this thing even functional? Dad, what is that?

Lots of grain storage equates to lots of semis, I guess?

I’ll tell you what is definitely functional- Way Side Cemetery. Holy Hannah, this thing is straight out of a horror movie.

A horror movie whose antagonist lives… here.

Chaper does have the same classics as the other towns though- golf carts/ATVs in the streets, tractors in yards, etc.

I’m not even sure how to wrap this one up, guys. I guess I’m just going to say that Chaper is just a bit of a mystery. I mean, not Arendale-level mystery, but… perplexing in its own right.

-Beverly “They Don’t Even Have a Water Tower” Goldenstein


Small Town Spotlight 5: Shiffon

OK, we’re getting into the towns a little closer in location to Mayberry now, and the next four towns featured here are the ones that were officially a part of the high school Bev attended. Shiffon is the biggest of those four towns, and the town where Bev’s high school was located.

Small Town Stats
Public Pools: 1
Private Pools: 3
Pop Machines: unknown

One of the most notable things about Shiffon is the railroad tracks. They lie on the west edge of town, which is where all of the kids from Mayberry and Thornville (and some rural Shiffon and Chaper kids) drive into town. This doesn’t seem like a big deal, except for the fact that I’m pretty sure these railroad tracks are part of the most heavily-trafficked route in the United States, and the cross-bars are down more than they are up. This especially tends to happen around 7:45 am, hampering lots of students (in both cars and school buses) from getting to school on time. It also makes a pretty convenient excuse for those of us who are running late and looking for an excused tardy pass. “There was a train,” works every time. I mean… at least I’ve heard.

There couldn’t have been anything more fitting than the Cheese Ball Crawl crew getting caught at the railroad tracks as we left Shiffon to wrap up the Crawl and get home to Mayberry.

It also couldn’t have been more fitting that it was a false alarm and the cross-bars were down for a good five minutes before drivers started going rogue and driving in between them.

And the most fitting? The first of those drivers to risk it all and cross the tracks? One of my best friend’s cousins. Small town life, man.

Here he is, making his move:

He’s probably wondering why the ladies with the out-of-state plate are taking pictures of him…

Then others followed suit…

Including Yours Truly (the start of making my move…)


And, home-free!

OK, so that happened on our way out of town, and after we took all these riveting photos.

Of Bev’s high school…

More tractors in yards…

And some funny (?) wooden figures peeing and bending over in yards…

And of Main Street, where Bev and her high school posse used to spend a lot of time. There was a place called Marty’s that had great food (chicken strips and cheese balls- the standard Midwesterner’s order) and a pool table. It was a great spot back in the day, but now? Well…

Next door to Marty’s was “the bowling alley” which I think has an actual name… it’s still there, and I think might even still be open though it’s a bit hard to tell from the photo. And also hard to tell from standing outside the damn place. It has one door, no windows, and not exactly a line of people waiting to get in, so I’m just not sure about whether or not it’s functional. But I am sure about whether or not I want to enter.

Shiffon definitely has a few things downtown that are still open- at least one restaurant and a pharmacy.

Sundries. I had to Google it.

And a thrift store called The Sharing Shoppe that has been there since I was in high school. I just adore the fact that they chose Shoppe over Shop.

This place used to be called the Shiffon Inn. Henrietta worked there in high school and they had pretty good food. An early morning “coffee” joint (remember the meaning of “coffee” in the Midwest?) with diner-style breakfast and lunch. Now, it looks like it has antiques and treasure? Maybe it’s called Timeless Treasure? Not sure and not going in to check it out.

And, don’t worry- we didn’t miss the opportunity to drive by Bev’s favorite Shiffonite’s house. We’ll refer to him here as Blanch, and whether or not we actually do a Small Town Citizen Spotlight, we’ll do another post about him one of these days… Let’s just say Blanch told tall tales. Like how he had a Lamborghini in his basement.

And we happened to roll by the house (apartment) of one of Bev’s least favorite Shiffonites as well. Mr. Shitter, the high school Spanish teacher who:
a) was suspected of having a fake girlfriend. Her name was Julie and Shitter would speak of her often, but no one has ever met or seen Julie. You do the math.
b) let us form a “Spanish club” my senior year of high school solely for the purpose of adding it to our college applications. (In our defense, we didn’t have a lot of opportunities for clubs and all in our small school and, in some ways, that put us at a disadvantage). We literally talked him into letting us go to a Mexican restaurant during school hours for a field trip once. We ate chips and salsa and talked shit. Shitter had a margarita. Kidding! But, man, I wish that was true.
c) caught Bev (and literally everyone) cheating on Spanish tests pretty much daily and never did anything about it. The one time I got caught, I had the textbook open on the floor beneath my desk. He walked by me, turned his head to the side, looked at me out of the corner of his eyes, and said, “Beeeeeev…”, so I rolled my eyes hard and closed the book. Then he walked away. And I just re-opened the book and kept cheating. (and can’t speak a lick of Spanish today)
d) sometimes tried to talk Bevvy here into joining the drama club. Or taking drama classes or whatever it was. His biggest selling point was once telling me that if they ever put on The Taming of the Shrew, I would make an excellent shrew. I don’t know much about Shakespeare, but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t a compliment.

We rolled out to the softball fields where Bev used to play. And where Blanch told everyone he did a triple gainer into the pits in the outfield. I also don’t know much about triple gainers, so I looked it up for you guys. Here’s some info according to Google:

The standing triple gainer consists of a gainer performed with three full rotations, or a triple backflip whilst traveling forwards. No one has yet come close to landing it.

I told you Blanch told tall tales, guys.

Then to the football field/track…

A quick roll by the pool. Well, really, we just had to turn our heads because the pool and the football field/track share a parking lot.

And, of course, the water tower. Would it even be a Small Town Spotlight without one?

That concludes another edition of Small Town Spotlight. Here’s hoping Mr. Shitter doesn’t catch wind of this. 

-Beverly “Excellent Shrew, My Ass” Goldenstein


DPM parting shot…

After yesterday’s post, I wanted to share one last gem from the Dougherty Pop Machine saga.

I don’t think it really requires much explanation.

-Beverly “You are Barking up the Wrong Tree” Goldenstein

- The dog's a ball sniffer. - Don't talk like that.


The Dougherty Pop Machine.

The Machine. The Myth. The Legend.

Again, before you read this, you may want to go check out this post to get the original story on the DPM. Or this one to get the latest post about Dougherty.

After you get caught up on the Dougherty Pop Machine, enter this post at your own risk.

Which is what I wish someone would’ve told me before I approached the DPM.

You see, I was out on the Cheese Ball Crawl, gathering all the footage and facts about my small towns, and I spotted the Dougherty Pop Machine. Apparently, returned from the bandits. I mean, the company workers who came and picked it up. Obviously, I just had to get a pop at the Dougherty Pop Machine.

Bessie and I rolled up toward the pop machine (Bessie was there to document this monumental occasion) and, as we approached, we noticed something a bit unusual. The screen door to the gas station was closed, but the inside door? It’s open. And there’s some noise coming from inside the building. Someone is inside. This may not sound creepy, but imagine walking up to a building you assume to be abandoned and discovering that it’s … NOT abandoned. And you’re too close to turn around. You’re in too deep. As Bessie and I are giving each other the eyes (y’all know the ones- the WTF do we do now ones), whoever- or whatever- is inside the building releases the hounds.

That may be one of the most unflattering photos ever taken of (part of) me, but you can get an idea of what we’re working with here. Now, I’m wondering if I’m going to get murdered by methheads or a couple of Morkies. Or Yorkies? Porkies? Some little yippy-ass dogs. (Morkies and Yorkies are a type of dog, right?)

The ankle-biters are runnin’ zoomies around my ankles and I continue to advance on the DPM, as the owner (?) of the building steps out. I quickly realize that a) I’m bigger than he is, b) he is a methhead, and c) my cousin is filming all of this. I try to act cool. If you’ve been here for more than 37 seconds, you probably know that “acting cool” is not exactly a Top 5 Beverly Goldenstein talent.1 However, I’m able to avoid an even more awkward situation and ask the small, kind (carnie?) methhead if I can buy a pop out of the pop machine.

He obliges, and we were off to the races.

Now, I really wish I could just show y’all the video, but Bev’s identity would most certainly be revealed. And we just can’t have that. I haven’t struck oil or won the lottery yet and, unfortunately, I still kinda need that day job. What I can do is show you some of the best screen shots of the moment, and provide you with a transcript of the conversation. Bev’s part of the conversation will be in pink, the friendly methhead’s will be in green, the friendly methhead wife’s will be in orange, and Bessie’s will be in gray.

As the hounds attack:
I was not expecting that! OK!
*nervous laughter*

Not recorded, but Bev asks if she can purchase a pop.

I run it for my personal use and I sell ’em… when I’m here.
Oh, all right.
*more nervous laughter*
**friendly methhead wife emerges (she does not have a firearm. that I can see.)**

Friendly methhead opens the pop machine. Yes, opens. Like, with a key. Which, I guess, explains why he only sells things when he’s there…

See, it’s kinda my personal mancave.
Oh, you got beers in here! Can I buy one of those? You got a bottle o’ whiskey in here! This is the best pop machine I’ve ever seen! Can I take a picture of this?
Yes, you can.
*absolute cackles*
Sweet, this is amazing. This is way more than I bargained for!

*Bev and Bessie pause for photos while friend methhead and wife revel in the glory of owning the best pop machine some crazy random lady has ever seen*

OK, can I just get a Diet Coke?
Diet Coke… I don’t think I got any Diet Cokes left. For Diet, I’ve got Fresca…
Or Shandy.
I see a Shandy.
I, I can’t sell ya Shandies, unfortunately.
Um, do you have a Mr. Pibb in there?
No Pibb. I got RC, Fresca, Sprite, Mello Yello…
Mello Yello would be great!

-camera cuts off and Bev and Bessie are never heard from again-


But, that’s it.

That’s the time I bought a Mello Yello from a pop machine methhead in Dougherty.

See some highlights below.


I have never been more frazzled.

Friendly methhead.

Look closely for the Shandies and the E&J.

There is nothing mellow about this.

-Beverly “I survived the DPM” Goldenstein

1Oh, God, excellent post idea. Top 5 Beverly Goldenstein Talents.