This week’s F.A.F. is all of us…
Like, is that not you at the airport? Yes, I am just going to sit here, sipping this overpriced Chardonnay, and judge everyone around me.
Oh, you’re traveling in heels? You so classayyyyy, girl.
You’re putting that in the overhead bin, you asshole?
Oh, God, please tell me I’m not sitting next to you.
Shut up, everyone at the Vegas gate. Let’s see you on the way back from your ‘epic weekend’, OK?
Well, that’s Cliff up there. Cliff doesn’t get to go to the airport, because his dog is a responsible dog owner, and leaves him home. So, Cliff just has to judge those in his own neighborhood. (and those who pass through from time to time)
Oh, Jesus. Crystal, is out “watering her flowers” again. We all know you’re out here secretly smoking pot because you hate your family, OK, Crystal? Go inside and drink a bottle of wine like all the other moms.
Oh, the mailman made an eeeeeextra stop at Mrs. Cox’s house. Again.
Oh, God, not Bill and Becky’s kids. These little chumps.
The Zimmermans are having a party again? Dear Dog. I mean, Dear God.
Yeah, this dog? He’s all of us.