It’s time for all the ‘New year, new me’ bullshit. While millions of people around the world are making promises to lose weight, I find this an opportune time to pitch an idea I’ve had for quite a while now. Obviously, we’ve all heard of the popular ways to lose weight/get fit, etc. But I’ve got a diet plan that I think could actually be revolutionary. In fact, I’m a bit scared to post it here for fear of someone stealing it and obtaining a patent before I can (but legally I can provide this post as evidence it was my idea, correct?). Enough legal jargon, Bev, get to the point. The point? Hoarders. Yep. I would like to do a very scientifically based study where one person follows Whole 30 to the letter, another person perfectly sticks with a Weight Watchers plan, and a third participant watches an episode of Hoarders before eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner (technically I’d like them to watch an episode before eating anything at all, but that may not be feasible) and see which participant loses the most weight.
I’m more than willing to take on the Beverly Goldenstein Hoarders Health Plan- comment here or message me if you’re interested in taking on either of the other two for comparison (or if you’re interested in participating in the BGHHP along with me).
Bev isn’t much for resolutions, so this is basically going to be me for now…
I was going to write that I am obviously the cat, but I can’t tell if that other (naked) thing is a cat or a dog, so I’m the cat with fur…