Reader Reviews

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From Henrietta, one of Bev’s high school besties:

I stumbled upon Bev one rainy night. I was feeling blue and alone and needed to transport to a different place. I decided reading a book was the way to go, however stumbled upon this blog. Little did I know, I’d find Bev, who gave me hope, a purpose and a reason to go on with my day. Ok, none of that is correct and I read Bev because she is the bomb and I love hearing what’s happening in her life.

My favorite Bev post is obviously ‘Luck of the Jewish’ in which Bev recounts us in our prime. We rocked that song and I still think about Mama G sitting there, listening to us, with a STRAIGHT FACE! We were in high school……

Bev and I met in the 3rd grade. One of my first memories was actually with Smoke and Mama G, riding in their blue Cadillac (with a sunroof) in a neighboring city. We were driving around town and I stood up to put my head out of the sunroof, and there may or may not have been an incident with Smoke telling me to get back in the car. I was a pretty rebellious kid, but that day Smoke helped to ground me and I let go of those rebellious ways. (It was actually a blue LeBaron. The closest pic I can find can be found here)

I have so many Bev stories, from elementary to just last summer. We have experienced the following: Writing and folding about a billion notes, stalking college basketball players, the rounds, letting the car roll over Bev’s foot prior to a volleyball game, drinking vodka out of a measuring cup, almost running Bev over, and so many others. Bev is one of besties and always will be, even though she did end FAF. (‘The rounds’ means that we drove around and around past our high school crush’s houses. I’m sure it wasn’t obvious in a town of less than 1,000. In Henrietta’s seafoam green Mercury Tracer. And yes, this bitch has run over my foot AND nearly backed over me, and is still one of my best friends. Bev don’t hold grudges.)

From Marcella, Bev’s former coworker, current friend:

I am not funny enough. I read Bev b/c it gives me the giggles and b/c i not so secretly love Smoke. Sometimes I send the posts on to LR. (LR is Lynne Reed, Marcella’s mom. Bev has met LR once and probably loves LR as much as Marcella loves Smoke. She even texted me once- look for a post titled LR coming soon!)

I am inept.

From Cousin Bessie, seven years Bev’s junior:

I have known Bev for my entire life, and let me tell you there is seldom a dull moment. I have so many fond memories with Bev that it’s hard to know where to start. One of my most fond memories of Bev is when she would pick me up to go into town to wash and dry her car with her. Let me rephrase that: …to wash and dry her car FOR her. You would think this would be very frustrating for me, but this was one of my favorite activities to do with Bev for several reasons. One is that I got to hang out with a high schooler when I was only about 12 years old…now that was cool. Another is that Bev introduced me to some very provocative music. I knew it was fun because she would always say, “Don’t tell our parents that you heard this song.” Of course I didn’t tell, but I DID listen…although I had no idea what they were saying half the time, and if I did understand the words, I didn’t know what they meant. So it was harmless, really. My favorite song when I was 12 (and I give all the credit to Bev for this) was “Me So Horny” by 2 Live Crew. Bev would roll her windows down and blare this baby for me as I dried her car after the car wash. And I loved every minute of it. (Thanks, Bessie, for not telling our parents about this. And for those of you who don’t know or remember this song, you can listen here.) I could go on about several other memories with Bev such as the time when I visited her in HerCity and tried to go drink for drink with her but ended up puking in her bed that night. Worst. Hangover. Ever. But really. I’ve had some bad hangovers, but that one was definitely the worst by far. I was still puking at 9pm the next night and had to leave the bar/pedal hopper shenanigans (the whole reason I drove to HerCity in the first place) to head to bed. It took me a full 72 hours to feel normal after that. Life lesson: don’t try to keep up with Bev and her drinks. You will lose. Bev drank the same amount as me (or probably more) that night and was still able to go to work the next day. (I’ve never even puked in my own bed.)

This has gotten a little longer than I expected, but I just couldn’t stop once I started thinking of all the good times I’ve had with Bev. I would like to sign off by saying thank you to Bev for all of the entertainment over the past year and especially for FAF. I’ll still love you for life even though you snagged that away from us so suddenly. Cheers, cuz. Can’t wait to see what Bev has in store for the next year.

From Keith, Bev’s cousin-in-law, four years Bev’s junior:

How does one begin to describe the happenings of a day in the life of Bev? Well, the beginning might be easy. It’s the end of the day that usually ends in a fuzzy adventure. You see, Beverly Goldenstein (pronounced Golden-STEEN) herself is quite the character to describe. If you read her blog, it doesn’t take long to figure out she loves Coors Light. I believe if she got a spons0r from her beloved beverage company, she might chalk it up to one of her greatest accomplishments in her lifetime. (*One of??? THE!) Her palate also appreciates a more refined drink, such as the bottles of wine kept lovingly chilled in her refrigerator. (Don’t forget the goddamn champagne next time, Keith)

Upon consuming these beverages is where the magic really happens for BevvyG. You truly must read to understand, but they usually end with an outstanding injury with the story recounted by a friend.

Bev’s second (or maybe first) lifetime achievement award would probably come from a follow by Kim Kardashian. The only thing possibly stopping her from gaining that follow might be Bev’s hatred for Kim’s husband, Kanye. This love/hate relationship is definitely a comedic topic on her blog, and her most epic posts might be the Merry Kimsmas series. (I am betting on a 2017 divorce, Keith. Then Kim is mine. All mine.)

It would be easy to go on about the ins, outs, and what-have-yous (excellent Lebowski usage) on, but describing her OCD, hatred for pets but love for pets in costume, trips to her hometown Mayberry (my personal favorite), and more would, well, require us to sit down with a few Coors Lights. My best advice would be to subscribe. Because you need Bev in your life. And she needs sponsors. #MoreMoneyforCoorsLight (Keith, have you considered getting into politics? Damn, you good.)

From Ardith, another of Bev’s high school besties:
I’ve known Bev since birth.  My parents along with Mama G and Smokey G have been good friends for a long time. We had matching baby outfits, that’s how good I know Bev. (this should say well, but I love how Ardith talks/types sometimes) We also went to elementary and HS together.  
I read Bev because my life consists of taking care of 2 little girls 24/7…which I love (most of the time) but I like to step out of that world every once and a while and just have a good ol’ Bev moment.  And since we don’t see each other often it keeps me up to date on all of Bevs shenanigans .  (Is that the right spelling) (Yes, Ardith!)
My favorite post would have to be “Bev Sounds Off”.  Bev and I have the same “love” for animals and I just couldn’t get enough of that rant! Go Bev! 
There are a ton of good Bev stories I have but one that I feel is fitting for this blog (since it’s been mentioned a few times) would be when she first met my husband (then BF)…pantless.  Bev came for a visit back when I was in college and well we were hanging out getting ready to go out and I knew Bev wasn’t going to put pants on…she had a swim cover on so that was good enough.  But Bev is tall.  I stepped outside and just gave my BF/husband a friendly reminder that my friend didn’t have pants on and just act normal.  He may have been uncomfortable but it was all good after awhile and it makes for a great story!  (I’d like you all to know that this is a PG-13 story, not an NC-17 story. If you catch my drift.)
From Cousin Gertie, four years Bev’s junior:
I was introduced to Miss Beverly Goldenstein at a young age, and by young, I mean birth.  As her MUCH younger cousin (sorry, not sorry) I had four older Pages to look up to for guidance.  Now, I’m not saying this “guidance” was worth a damn, the abundance of curling iron burns I received as a child would attest to this, but I definitely learned a few lessons along the way.  (I’d like to say that I think I actually burned her once, and then she made me hold a comb between the curling iron and her skin every other time I did her hair. Gert does hold grudges, apparently.) One, do NOT go to the movie Clueless with Beverly and her friends.  There is a chance she will get highly irritated with you and possibly slap you in Yorkman’s. (It happened.) Two, sit extremely still when your cousins are doing your hair, as stated above this could result in curling iron burns and/or painful hair brushing. Three, anytime you’re in the car and needing a pick me up 69 Boyz Let Me Ride That Donkey will always do the trick (listen here) (Unless of course you’re Bessie, in which case you would be listening to 2 Live Crew, please encourage Bev to do a post on this – noted).  And finally, never ever send a piece of writing to one of the three oldest Page cousins before proof reading it.  You can (and will) be subject to a life time of ridicule if this is ever forgotten. (OK, honestly, Gert, I don’t remember you sending us a piece of writing to proofread… you can thanks Coors Light for that, I guess!)
So, now that you all think (know) the Page family is bat shit crazy share this blog with everyone you know.  It’s sure to entertain whether it’s in regards to either side of the Goldenstein clan, Mama G, Smoke, or Beverly’s drunken shenanigans.  
Kindest Regards,
From Agatha, the third of Bev’s high school besties:
Bev and I knew each other when we were very young as Mama G & Smoke were friends of my parents.  But I got to know her much better in 3rd grade when she moved to the cool kids school (this would be Mayberry) ;).

I have so many memories of Bev, it is very hard to pick just one so I’ll share a couple highlights.  The MANY times we rode our bikes into Mayberry to meet at the park.  Jesus that gravel bike ride for 3/4 mi. was awful….  Taking a step up into the world when we got older, we upgraded to mopeds. Henrietta, Ardith, Bev and I were the moped gang; and I mean this in all seriousness (Bev would add that we might also be called the honking moped gang).  Bev’s moped had a cookie monster flag, and I sure hope she has a pic she can post to show this awesomeness (stay tuned, guys).  The moped gang was all fun and great until one ride in Mayberry when Ardith wiped out on some loose gravel.  I shut mine off when we stopped to help and that may have been the end of ol’ blue…don’t think she ever started again.  I had to call Con (Con is Connie, Agatha’s mom- more on her shortly) (meaning I had to WALK to the church to use a phone) to come pick me up with the truck.  Let’s upgrade this a bit more to when we had cars.  One day on the drive home from school, Bev in shotgun, something happened to my car. (Now that I think of this, I have no idea what it was?)  For some reason we decided it would be a good idea to try and get out while the car was creeping along VERY slowly and run with it.  (WHAT WERE WE THINKING?!?!?)  Anyway, this is much harder than it may seem.  No one got ran over or died, but I may or may not have peed in my pants a little from laughing so hard. (Bev’s take on this has to do with watching Agatha get out from her driver’s seat, trying to run along with the idling car, then falling on her ass, leaving Bev in the moving vehicle. In the passenger seat. Pissing herself. Bevvy here had to reach over, push the brake pedal with her hand, put the car in park, and then run around to the driver’s side to back the ol’ Grand Prix up to pick up Agatha from the gravel road. We then drove 85 mph+ the rest of the way home before Agatha would’ve literally peed her pants. Might not sound that funny through text/words on a screen, but I can guarantee you- if you ever have the chance to watch one of your best friends fall out of their car, safely onto a gravel road- do it.)

The memories go on…feeling like barfing after each eating an ENTIRE funnel cake and riding the silly silo a few times, before boarding the bus, on our Treasure Island band trip (Treasure Island may sound familiar, guys- read up on Goldenstein family escapades here).  Our “stash” for cruising (this would be an abandoned farm where we kept our booze when we were eighteen), cruising in our high school town, hanging at Henrietta’s grandma’s house before games, volleyball. Walking beans/picking up rocks with you, Mama G & Smoke (and many others) which almost always included them yelling at you to speed it up or something, haha!

I have no idea what my favorite post of yours is, there are too many good ones!!  I usually read at night when I get in bed & every post I can picture you doing (or have seen you do), so I often have to try hard to control my laughter so I don’t wake the littles…Love ya Bev!!!