Frightening Feline Friday: Actual Repression Edition

So, I don’t actually remember this story, but I hear it all the time. It happened when I was a young adult (probably in my late 20s) and I wasn’t hammered, so I should remember it, but I truly have no recollection. I am confident that if I were to ever seek counseling for my crippling anxiety OCD neuroses irrational fears *ahem* issues, I would be told that I am repressing this memory out of sheer terror.


The story is that the Page clan is hanging out in Uncle Bart and Aunt Sue’s family room (well, now it’s Timmy and Keith’s family room) on Christmas night. It generally becomes about 983 degrees in that room once you add in a crowd of slightly buzzed people, and we often end up cracking windows even in the dead of Midwestern winter. Apparently, I was sitting in the corner of an L-shaped couch, just under the open window. And, apparently, a cat jumped up onto the screen which caused the screen to buckle into the family room and onto me.

Now that I sit here typing this, I have a lot of followup questions. Did I say the F-word? Probably. Did MamaG yell at me for saying the F-word? Probably. Did MamaG probably then ALSO say the F-word? Probably not since it was Christmas, but I bet she lost her shit. Where did the cat go? (I don’t have a pretend answer for this one because I literally want to know) Did Aunt Sue snort laugh? Definitely. 

I do know that my cousins remember this well because they bring it up often. Keith, Gert, and Bessie- give us the juice please!


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  • Reply
    April 12, 2019 at 11:45 am

    Also blocked this out.

  • Reply
    April 12, 2019 at 10:40 am

    I honestly can’t say I remember Mama G swearing or what happened with the cat, but all I can remember is the cat spread eagle on the screen and then it crashing down on you! I also believe this was followed by a blood curdling scream by Bev and a fast-as-lightning maneuver off the couch 😂 One of my fave Bev memories of all-time.

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