Billy the Kid

Remember yesterday’s post from the most magical place on earth, the Mayberry Facebook page? Well, I’ve got another humdinger I’ve been meaning to share with you. Y’all remember one of my high school besties, Agatha, yes? (One of my OGs who still lives in Mayberry and one of the people to keep me up to speed on the small town goss.) You may have guessed that, living in Mayberry, Agatha lives DAT FARM LYFE and, well, you’d be correct. Agatha and her husband, Ted, and their three kids live on her grandparents’ farm just south of Mayberry on the same road as Smoke and MamaG, in fact. (which reminds me of a great little post/photo that I’ll send your way soon. #IYKYK) Ted has somehow talked Agatha into keeping goats on their farm, along with the standard dogs and cats roaming around outside and these goats tend to wreak havoc around their farm by escaping their pen quite often. Generally, they just stay in the yard area and Agatha, Ted, and the kids can wrangle them back in. This summer, shit got pretty real when I was stopping at Agatha’s for a morning coffee date and this happened:

Her 13-year-old son had to come out and save me, so trips to Mayberry are steadily keepin’ me humble!

BUT, while the goats generally stay close to home and are usually locked back up before any real chaos can ensue, there is the occasional exception.

Like this one:

Oh, the benefits of small town living, where the entire town will track your fugitive goat.

By the way, this goat’s name is Fred.

-Beverly “Whatever Floats Your Goat” Goldenstein

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    December 24, 2022 at 1:05 pm

    🙈 Fred has since been taken to the sale barn. I wonder what poor soul has him now.

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