Teachers, Man

My youngest niece, Norma, started Pre-K recently, and my sister sent me this little greeting from Norma’s teacher:


Look, I try not to judge, man. (no, I don’t) But let’s be real: this teacher has the writing skills of a Bassett Hound.

Teachers…The Worst.


P.S.- Yes, I know that this blog is probably peppered with shit-for-brains writing. But there aren’t a bunch of four-year-olds reading it. Well, hopefully there aren’t, I guess.

Unless they bring sponsors. In that case, please send this link to all the four-year-olds you know.

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  • Reply
    Petunia Smalls
    September 16, 2015 at 5:59 am

    Awful. However, not AS bad as when i used to sometimes leave out the o in “count”, or accidentally type “ass” instead of ” add” while writing progress reports. Key phrase ; ” used to”!

  • Reply
    Petunia Smalls
    September 15, 2015 at 9:15 pm

    Does that say ” we ill lean”?

    • Reply
      September 16, 2015 at 5:49 am

      Pretty sure it does, Petunia. Pretty sure it does.

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