Back to the Future?

We live in a world where I actually just thought I could Google “Where did I put my checkbook that goes with my savings account so I can write myself a check for the Christmas gifts I bought yesterday?”

a) it didn’t work.

b) we also live in a world where someone tries to Google to find lost items, yet occasionally uses checks. #WalkingOxymoron


P.S. I can’t decide if I should just PayPal myself, or get out the new set of checks. (I don’t think I’ve finished a full set of checks since I still lived in Smoke and MamaG’s house, and they made me balance my checkbook. Like… whoa.) I also can’t decide if I should take my horse and buggy to work tomorrow, or push the button on the inside of my wrist that will immediately transport me there. I need Marty McFly and Doc Brown to help me make that decision.

P.P.S. And on the 8th day, God created champagne.

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  • Reply
    December 13, 2015 at 10:29 pm

    Whatever you decide, make sure a hoverboard is NOT part of the solution.
    PS Venmo

    • Reply
      December 14, 2015 at 6:31 am

      GOOD CALL, Betty.

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