‘Making shit out of lots of stars.’
And yes, I am a little embarrassed that my own mother doesn’t know that it’s Khloe, but I’m going to blame that on her iPhone/iPad skills (keep in mind this is the same woman who once texted me asking how to send a message on her iPhone). Once = like 3 weeks ago.
I wish I had more Oscar and Bachelor synopses for you, but Bev has a lot on her plate this week. Including spending the rest of the night icing my right eye, because yes, yes, I DID open that goddamned gate into it again Saturday night. (At least that’s my assumption as to why it’s slightly swollen and pretty painful)
1 Comment
February 24, 2015 at 8:00 pmBev will never get her shit together. AKA I expect to see this post about the gate hitting your eye 4-5 more times before you move again. Bev >>> anything (except FOTB…and spaghetti…and vodka).